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Jan 18, 2013

GUEST POST: Neapolitan Bonbon Cupcakes


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I am on a total cupcake kick lately and trust me when I tell you.... there are about a million ways to make a cupcake.  

I had no idea.  

It almost feels like there is a secret society of women making yummy delicious cupcake treats and sharing that information within their little secret cupcake circles and I finally figured out how to become part of their secret society... thank you Pinterest!  

I found this awesome food blog {Sprinkle Bakes} earlier in the week and I have to say I Love It!  

Heather, the blog owner has been a busy girl creating some fabolous treats and taking truly amazing pictures in the process.  

I came across these Neapolitan Bonbon Cupcakes and instantly thought of making them for Valentines Day this year.  My family will be so impressed!  
Head over and check out her awesome recipe along with some additional photos of her cupcakes!

We want to thank Sprinkle Bakes for sharing this photo and recipe 
link with {The Best Blog Recipes}


  1. these sound so good and great for dessert or snack yummy
    come see what I shared at

  2. Thanks for your comment Angie! I'll head over and check out your link right now :)
