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Feb 21, 2013

Bacon, Egg & Chicken Breakfast Sandwich

You might be a little confused by my choice of ingredients for this breakfast sandwich.

I was!  Let me explain....

My super cute husband came home from work this morning (he works graveyards) and wanted a breakfast sandwich like he gets sometimes from Chick-Fil-A when he has to work overtime.  Ever been to Chick-Fil-A?  It's good... greasy but good.  I always get their Grilled Chicken Salad while my husband enjoys a combination of chicken sandwiches, chicken tenders, and waffle fries.  I honestly don't know how A) he hasn't had a heart attack yet and B) how he's not like 500 pounds.  Nope, that man can eat whatever he wants and nothing happens.  Me, sometimes I just look at food and I gain a pound.

So, he came home this morning and requested a breakfast sandwich with Chicken Tenders on it (insert my laughter right about here).   You know the saying right... a way to a man's heart is through his stomach, so into the kitchen I went. 

And so sorry this is the only picture I had of these sandwiches.  He was literally standing over me "waiting" for me to be done with my sandwich photo shoot so he could eat it.  Think I snapped 5 pictures before he was off and eating, lol!   

Bacon, Egg & Chicken Breakfast Sandwich Ingredients
1 teaspoon of butter (for cooking the eggs)
butter (for your english muffins)
2 large eggs
1 piece of american cheese
2 pieces of swiss cheese
3 med-large chicken tenders (we use Bell & Evans which are the best ever and we get them from Whole Foods)  
2 english muffins
3 strips pre-cooked bacon (we use the Kirkland Bacon from Costco) 
salt and pepper to taste

Place your chicken tenders in the oven and cook per package directions.  Remove from the oven and cut in half , or to a smaller size so they will fit on your english muffins.  Set aside while you cook your other ingredients.  

Place your eggs in a bowl and scramble lightly with a fork.  Add salt and pepper to taste. 

Put eggs in a small skillet with 1 teaspoon of butter and cook until fried on both sides. 

This is the important part... butter your english muffins and place on a baking sheet with your precooked bacon.  Turn on the broiler and cook for about 3-5 minutes, or until bacon is all bubbly and english muffins just start to brown on the edges.

Take out of the oven and pat bacon with a napkin to remove excess grease.  Put your cheese on the english muffins and add your bacon on top of that.  Top your bacon with your fried eggs and add the chicken on top of that.

There you go... you now have a Bacon, Egg & Chicken Sandwich! 

Serve immediately and enjoy!

We've been busy sharing this recipe on many different blog link parties! For a complete list of where we like to party please visit the "Link Parties" tab at the top of the page :)



  1. Looks really good. My family would love this.

    1. Thanks Shaffer Sisters for stopping by and commenting! Hope your family enjoys it!

  2. Sounds Delish! I couldn't agree more with you about Chik-fil-a... simply amazing!!I too enjoy the grilled chicken salad while my husband devours all of the delish artery clogging goodness without effecting his waistline or health... what the heck? I love your blog... can't wait to try out your new, healthier chicken biscuit :)

  3. Oh wow, I would absolutely love this for breakfast!! Drooling, need it to be breakfast time already!

    1. Lol Annie, thanks for your comment :) Hope you enjoy the sandwich as much as we did!

  4. We LOVE Chick-fil-a!! Just recently got one in our area and are thrilled about it! :) Before that, my hubby and I actually drove on a date night once for an hour and a half (each way) just to enjoy their yumminess! :) SoOo delicious!! I think I could just about drink their chickfila sauce by itself (lol) .... Anyway, as soon as I saw your breakfast sandwich, before reading a word, it immediately reminded me of breakfast there ;) Looks terrific! Pinned...thanks for another awesome recipe, Shauna! You rock :*)


    1. LOVE that you guys drove so long for date night. That totally sounds like something I'd do :)

  5. I think I'd better go to bed now so I can wake up and make this in the morning!

    1. Lol, thanks for the comment Melanie! Hope you have a great night, and good breakfast :)

  6. Newest follower here! I found you through the blog hop. I love your blog, its super cute :)
    You can find me at


    1. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment. Just hopped over to your blog and liked you on Facebook too!

  7. I am sure this would be wonderful for breakfast... everyday! Thanks so much for coming to party with me at Super Saturday Show & Tell :) xoxo~ Ruthie

  8. My husband gets those same Chic-fil-a sandwiches and doesn't gain an ounce. I love that you made your man a home made version!!! It looks great!!!

    1. Those darn husbands and not gaining weight, lol! Thanks for stopping by Jocelyn!

  9. These are the best breakfast sandwiches, and a great recipe! Have a great week and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

    1. Thanks Miz Helen! Hope you have a great week too :)

  10. Oh my goodness, my hubby would love these! Definitely pinning them. I am a new follower!


    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Christi! And thanks for the follow too :)

  11. This is the perfect combination for breakfast :)

  12. Yum! I love egg mcmuffins so I should try this!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Tiffany and commenting! Hope you enjoy them as much as we do :)

  13. I loveee Chick-Fil-A. This looks really yummy! It's the same way in our house, my husband can eat ANYTHING and never gain a pound, and I'm with you! Thanks for linking up at Pin It Thursday, I featured you this week

    1. Thank you so much for the feature! I was excited to see it this morning when I linked up :) I sure do appreciate you taking the time to host your party each week. You're always welcome to link up here on the weekends too :) Party runs from Fri-Sun.

  14. This looks SO good! I love breakfast sandwiches! Thanks for sharing :)

  15. Stopping by from Two Cup Tuesday - pinned to share!

  16. This looks crazy delicious! Can't wait to try it! la raie recette
