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Feb 2, 2013

Homemade Peanut Butter Cups

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Homemade Peanut Butter Cups are the best you guys!

I mean, what's not to love... 

You can make a whole batch and not feel guilty about eating like... I don't know, half of them!

These are so tasty and easy!  I don't know why I don't make them more often.

And the best part?  I make these with all peanut free products so that our peanut allergic child can enjoy them too!  I'll let you know what substitutions you can make in the ingredients below.

Peanut Butter Cups Ingredients
30 1-inch paper candy liners
1/3 cup peanut butter (or you can use a peanut butter alternative like Wowbutter if you have a peanut allergic child) 
3/4 cup powdered sugar
1/8 teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon butter
1 and 2/3 cup Hershey's milk chocolate chips (these don't contain peanuts and don't have any warnings on them)
1 tablespoon coconut oil (you could also use vegetable shortening if you don't have coconut oil in the house)

Place mini paper liners on a baking sheet.  

Melt chocolate chips and coconut oil in medium, uncovered, microwave-safe bowl on MEDIUM-HIGH (70%) power for 1 minute; STIR. Morsels may retain some of their shape. If necessary, microwave at additional 10- to 15-second intervals, stirring just until melted. 

In a separate bowl combine peanut butter, powdered sugar, butter and table salt. Mix until no lumps remain and mixture is well incorporated.
Spoon about 1 teaspoon of melted morsels into each cup making sure to cover the sides of the cup about half way up the paper liner.  Roll peanut butter into small balls.  Squish them between your palms to flatten them a bit and then place on top of melted chocolate in paper cups. Top each with an additional 1 teaspoon of melted chocolate. Refrigerate for 20 minutes or until firm. Store in covered container in refrigerator. 

Shauna's Tips
I must have been really excited when I started making my peanut butter cups because I was putting about a tablespoon of chocolate into each cup and it was WAY too much.  I know, I know... you're thinking how could it be too much chocolate but trust me it was.  So I cut way back and it made them so much better.  Too much of a good thing isn't always a good thing if you know what I mean.  


* Recipe should make about 30 individual peanut butter cups.  Counts are per peanut butter cup with the ingredients I used and entered into {Calories 105} {Carbs 11g} {Fat 7g} {Protein 2g} {Sugar 9g} {Chol 5g} {Sodium 39g}  

We've been busy sharing this recipe on many different blog link parties! For a complete list of where we like to party please visit the "Link Parties" tab at the top of the page :) 


  1. Wow your peanut butter cups look amazing!!!! I've been wanting to make some too, I hope they turn out just as good as yours! They look awesome!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Maria! These were so easy to make :) Yours will be awesome too!

  2. They look incredibly good! I am going to have to make some, I love peanut butter and chocolate!! Thanks so much for sharing them!!


    1. No problem Marti! I Love your link parties :) Glad I could link up!

  3. Thanks for the invite to your party :) I just went over and linked up a few of my recipes! When you get a grab button make sure to come back and add it to my "Link Parties" page so that my readers can link up to you too!

  4. These look amazing - I can't wait to try them out.

    Really pleased to have found you via the Marvellous Monday link up and very much looking forward to following.

    Kate x

    1. Thanks for visiting my link from Marvelous Monday's Kate! I'm happy to have you as a new follower :)

  5. Good gravy these look delicious. I"m not sure that I'm detail oriented enough tom make these but I'll definitely put them on the To-Make list. Thanks so much for sharing. If you're looking for delicious ( and easy) recipes to post you should check out my blog-I have tonnes

    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment L.A.! I'll head over to your link and check out your delicious recipes right now :)

  6. My family is full of peanut butter cup fans and thanks for the peanut free option too (my poor 3 yr old has a sensitivity to them). Now everyone can have some. Thanks for linking to Craftastic Monday at Sew Can Do:)

    1. Glad these Peanut Butter Cups will come in handy in your house too Cheryl! See you next Monday for your fabulous link party :)

  7. These look absolutely amazing. I love peanut butter cups! :) Thanks for linking up to the weekly creative.

    Shannon @ Sewing Barefoot

    1. No problem Shannon! See you again next week at your party!

  8. These look perfect! I was planning to make some for my boyfriend for Valentine's Day. :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Becca and commenting! Hope your boyfriend likes them and you guys have an awesome Valentines Day!

    2. Hey Shauna! Just wanted to let you know I made these (they were a success!) and posted them on my blog, directing people to your blog for the recipe. :)

  9. YUM!! We would love it if you would link up at our new linky party: Two Girls and a Party Hosted by:
    Dana @ This Silly Girl's Life
    Parrish @ Life with the Crust Cut Off
    We hope to see you there!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! And thanks for the invite to the link party. I went over and linked up and checked out a bunch of other links while I was there :)

  10. i luuuve these. hershey's has this great recipe for a whole pie of reeses! thanks for sharing

    1. Glad you liked this post Carissa! Thanks for stopping by and commenting :)

  11. Replies
    1. Hey Ess, thanks for stopping by and commenting :) These were so easy to make, and Bay loved them!

  12. Replies
    1. Lol! That cracks me up Melissa! Thanks for your comment :)

  13. Yum!! It is looking like we might have a snow day tomorrow- these would be the perfect project to make with the kids. I am sure they will be gone by evening too!

    Thanks for linking up to our Healthy Tuesdays Blog Hop, I hope you join us again soon with some more yummy recipes!

    Kerry from Country Living On A Hill

    1. Thanks for stopping by Kerry! I was happy to join in on the link party this week! I'll be back next week with some more recipes :)

  14. Wow, drooling! Thanks for sharing the recipe! xo caroline @ c.w.frosting

    1. Lol Caroline! Glad these look drool worthy :)

  15. Hi Shauna!
    These little gems look amazing! I love peanut butter cups. Apparently the visitors of last week's Marvelous Mondays party do as well because your recipe was the most viewed link last week! Carrie and I will be featuring this at tonight's party.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Julie @ This Gal Cooks

    1. Hey Julie,
      How exciting to log on and see your comment about being featured at tonight's party! I love your parties each week and so thankful that you host them :)

      Can't wait to link up again, and thanks for the feature!


  16. Hi Shauna, just wanted to let you know I featured these as part of my link party wrap up post just now. YUM!

    1. Thanks for featuring my recipe Carol! I put your button with a link to the featured post on my "where i`ve been featured" page!

    2. Thanks for featuring my recipe Carol! I put your button with a link to the featured post on my "where i`ve been featured" page!

    3. Thanks for featuring my recipe Carol! I put your button with a link to the featured post on my "where i`ve been featured" page!

  17. These look so yummy! I just ate some peanut butter cups today, but I would love to know to make them.

    1. Hope you like them if you decide to make them Linda!

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!

  18. So scrumptious. My hubby would love these! You have awesome recipes. Will you link to my linky party?

    1. Thanks for the invite! Just went over and linked up :)

  19. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week; I hope you’ll join us again!

    Kathy Shea Mormino

    The Chicken Chick

    1. Thanks Kathy! I'll definitely be there again next week :)

  20. Oh yum! PB cups are my husband's favorite so I will definitely be giving these a try!

    Newest follower. :) Hope you follow back at!

    1. Thanks Lindsey for the follow. Just popped over to your site and followed you on GFC & FB!

      Hope you'll come back this weekend for our Link Party The Weekend re-Treat! We'd love to have you link up a few projects/recipes!

  21. These look like the perfect homemade peanut butter cups! I'd love for you to submit the recipe to my latest Food Holiday Link Party - the theme this week is chocolate! In case you want to link up: Thanks!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and inviting me to your link party :) I just linked up... and looks like I barely made it.

      I'd love for you to come back over and link up at my weekend link party going on right now too!

  22. In the past when I have dipped things in chocolate I have had a hard time with over meltiness, do you have any suggestion for that?

  23. Thanks for linking these up at the Sweet and Savoury Sunday link party. Hope to see you there again tomorrow.

  24. Hi Shauna! Just want to say thanks for linking up each week at Wicked Good Wednesdays! AND to let you know that you are our most clicked link feature! These look incredibly awesome, girl! Oh and the party is going to be really late in getting started, but I hope you will stop by tomorrow evening or Thursday morning and link up with is. It is always a pleasure having you :)

  25. These look absolutely AMAZING! I'm crazy about peanut butter and chocolate - but in the UK it's not very common to find (and when you do find things like Reese's they're so expensive!) Going to make some of these for my birthday party :-)
