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Feb 28, 2013

Link Party: The Weekend re-Treat {#6}

You guys are awesome!  Last week we had 124 links submitted, oh yeah!  I get so excited when the link party is running.  I just love seeing everything that you guys have been up to for the past week!

With that said, I have only just begun to post all of your links to my Pinterest Link Party Recipe Board & Link Party Craft/DIY Board.  I've had a sick baby since last Thursday.  Yes, you read that right.  We have been in sick baby mode all week and now he has Croup.  What fun.  He has decided that he wants to help mommy "blog" and comes right over when I sit down to do a post.

I'll be working over the next few days to get both last weekends & this weekends links up to my boards so be on the lookout for those on Pinterest. 

Now what you've all been waiting for.... our Fabulous 5 Features from last weekends party:

Spinach Artichoke Chicken Alfredo from 

Fudge Topped Brownies from 

Green Rice from 

Craft Busy Box Supply Ideas from 

Spanish Moss Spring Wreath from 

If you were featured this week be sure
to grab a NEW Re-DESIGNED
  "Featured Button"
before you leave today!

Here's how our party works:
#1 Each week I will be featuring a few of my favorite links and showcasing them on the following week’s link party post, so be sure to come back next weekend to see if you were a featured link! 

Also, by linking up you give The Best Blog Recipes permission to use your photos on our blog, Pinterest and Facebook pages.  All credit will be given to you with any photo used linked directly to your post. I will also be adding each link party submission to my Pinterest Boards.  Your submission will appear either on My Link Party {Recipes} or My Link Party {Craft/DIY} depending on where it fits best.   

#2 Grab a button to put on your post, or somewhere else on your site.  A text link is fine too!
#3 Link up as many projects, recipes & DIY’s as you’d like…. But please don’t link any giveaways or Etsy Shops here.
#4 We’d love if you’d follow us on Facebook, GFC or via email so we can stay connected
#5 Show the others bloggers some love and check out a few of their links.  Let them know you saw their link on “The Weekend re-Treat” while you are there!


  1. Replies
    1. You're welcome Lorraine! I'm looking forward to your new Link Party that starts this Sunday over at Cookin For the Seven Dwarfs :)

      Do you have any idea what time you're going to start it on Sunday?

  2. Shauna! sorry about the baby...this thing with the flu, colds and other bugs is just driving me nuts...mine little one seems like is about to fall ill too..can't wait to open the windows and let fresh air in the house! Thank you so much for the feature! So exciting! Big Hug, Lizy

    1. Thanks for linking up last week! I hope your little one stays well. It's no fun when they're sick for them or for you.

      You're welcome for the feature. I appreciate you taking the time to come over, link up and comment while you're here!

      Hope you have a fantastic rest of your week!

  3. So sorry to hear that your baby is sick :( Will be praying he'll feel much better soon!! Thanks for hosting in the midst of being busy caring for your lit'l guy.

    1. Oh, Thank you so much Brenda!!! And thanks for linking up again this week :) I always enjoy seeing what you link up each week!

  4. Thanks for hosting, Shauna! Sick baby mode = no good! Hope things get better soon!
    Cathy @ Lemon Tree Dwelling

    1. Thanks Cathy! And thanks for coming over again this week to link up with me :)

      Hope you have a really great weekend!

  5. Thanks for hosting! Hope you all get some sleep and the baby feels better!

    1. Thanks Diana... me too :)

      Thanks for coming over and linking up your fun project & recipe this weekend!

  6. Shauna!!! Thanks for featuring my Green Rice! Did you change the look of the blog a bit? Either way, it looks awesome!

    1. Yes Melanie, thanks for noticing :) The old look was driving me nuts so I kept playing with it till I created something I loved!

      And I also loved the recipe for your Green Rice! Can't wait to try it!

      Hope you have a fun and relaxing weekend!

  7. Thanks for the party Shauna, and I hope your baby feels better SOON !!

  8. Good Morning Sauna,
    Looks like a great party today. Hope you have a lovely weekend and thanks for hosting!
    Miz Helen

  9. Thanks so much for hosting! Hope you have a super weekend!

  10. Thanks for having us pretty lady! I hope the little one starts feeling better!
    Beth @ The First Year Blog

  11. Hi Shauna,
    Thanks for hosting.
    We hope you have a great weekend!
    The Busy Bee's,
    Myrna and Joye.

  12. Thanks so much for hosting! I am sorry to hear you have a sick baby:( That is never any fun. Sending healing thought and prayers your way:) Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. I love your new blog design! Thanks so much for hosting!

  14. Awwww...sowwy to hear the wee one is ill. :( *healing thoughts being sent*

    Thanks for hosting! :)

  15. I hope little man feels better soon! Thank you for hosting. Wishing you a pretty weekend. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  16. Shauna,
    Thank you for hosting. Hope your little guy gets better soon.
    See you at Tuesday Trivia California!
    Wanda Ann @ Memories by the Mile

  17. Thanks for the party!
    I'd love if you came and linked up a favorite post with me for my Friday Favorites party

  18. Thank you so much for hosting! Have a great weekend. :)

  19. Thamks so much for hosting! Have a great weekend!

  20. Thanks for hosting this great party and also for linking up at mine! Have a great weekend!

  21. How fun! I will have to join you next time :) I'm a new follower, via GFC. Stop by for a visit sometime! Have a great day!

    Shandy @ Aprons 'n Pearls
