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Feb 17, 2013

West African Chicken Peanut Stew

I am so excited to give you a little preview of one of my new blog friends that will be Guest Posting one of her fanstastic recipes in the next few weeks!  

Her name is Bintu, and she blogs over at Recipes From A Pantry  

Check out this amazing West African Chicken Peanut Stew preview that she sent me.  Doesn't it look delicious!?!  I hadn't thought to cook chicken in a stew with peppers, onions, spices, and peanut butter before but now it's all I can think about.  

CLICK HERE  to take a peek at her delicious recipe and the directions on how to put it all together.  Then get ready because she'll  be back next month to share a new full recipe and directions on her guest post with us! 


  1. Hi Guys,
    I am soooooooooooo excited to have one of my recipes posted here and to be able to guest post in a few weeks. Thank you so much for fab this opportunity.

    1. You're welcome Bintu! Looking forward to see what you're cooking up for your post :)

  2. Shauna,
    Just wanted to let you know I nominated you for the Liebster Award today on my blog
    Feel free to copy and paste anything from my post that you need, rules, questions, ect.
    I love your blog!
    Wanda Ann @ Memories by the Mile

    1. Oh, thank you so much Wanda Ann! You are so sweet to nominate me. I'll head over to your blog tomorrow and check everything out and see what I need to do :) I'd totally do it tonight but my eyes are crossing since it's so late and nothing is really making sense anymore, lol!

      Thanks again :)

  3. I had African Peanut Stew for my first time a year ago at my local co-op, and I still can not get it out of my head.... it was that amazing. I have tried making it once, and was not very pleased, so I am excited for this recipe and will check into it. I have asked my co-op to please serve this stew again!!

    1. Don't you hate when you have something terrific and then you can't get it anymore, ugh. When I saw this recipe I knew I had to try it because it looked so dang good :)

      Also, thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment today! I always look forward to hearing from everyone!

  4. This is beautiful. You should share it on my Foodie Friends Friday Linky party.

    1. Hi Marlene, thanks for the invite. Sorry I didn't make it over to link up this week. My 12 month old has been really sick for the past few days and I've been on full time mommy duty!

      I added your button to my link parties page so that I don't forget to come and visit with you each week! Just to make sure... your party starts on Thursday's, right?

      AND... I'd love for you to come back and link up here this weekend @The Weekend re-Treat!
      Party runs from Fri-Sun!

  5. Coming over from Nosh my way... We love peanut stew... My husband grew up on it in West Africa. But unable to make it very often as hubby developed a peanut sensitivity :).. heading over to check out the recipe. And you should share it on Foodie Friends Friday party. Newest follower

    1. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment Marlys! I'll be over next week to share with Nosh My Way for sure :)
