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Mar 9, 2013

Blogging 101: A Reverse Image Search Tutorial


Yesterday while I was searching for a Chicken & Mushroom recipe to make for dinner I came across a blog that had nothing but other bloggers photo's and recipes.  I couldn't believe it.  There were hundreds of them.

She used everything.  Blog photos.... entire recipes and even the directions.  Everything was copied and pasted directly from the original sites.

I started to wonder if my photos were being used without my permission but I didn't know what to do about it until I came across a Tutorial by Kevin & Amanda showing how to do a reverse search for your photos on the internet.

Amazing!  I was able to find out every site where my photos are being used.

And... If you guys haven't already discovered Kevin & Amanda's blog you should hop on over there and check it out.  They have some amazing posts going on over there :)  I'm a big fan!

A Reverse Image Search Tutorial: 

1.  Go to a post on your blog with the photo that you wish to "Search"  

2.  Right click on the photo and choose "Copy Image Location"

3.  Now open up Google in your Browser.  Right click to "Paste" your image location into the search bar and then click on "Google Search"

4. Click on "Search By Image"

5.  It will come up a list of sites where your photo is being used which is pretty neat!  Scroll through the pages to see everywhere your photo is being used.   

How fun is that?  You'll probably see a lot of "Pinterest" sites where your photo is listed but keep on scrolling and viewing the different pages for a complete picture of where your photos are. 

I did a Reverse Search with my most popular photos and it was interesting to see where they came up!

I'd really love for you to PIN this post so that others can benefit from this information too :) 

Hope this tutorial helped :) 


  1. I pinned it and thank you! I'm going to spend some time checking that out (even though your photo of that Pizzetti is totally distracting me from the mission at hand). ;)

    1. Lol Liz! Glad you liked the tutorial & the photo of the Pizzetti :) And a huge thanks for pinning while you were here!

  2. Thanks for this tip. I didn't know that I could do this and it will be interesting to go look through some of my posts and see where they are being used.

    1. Good luck KC! Hope you're images aren't in too many places you don't know about.

  3. Super interesting...pinned and now I am going to go give it a try:)Thanks for stopping by my blog and now I can follow you too!
    xxx, Kim
    P.S.Ever think about turning off the comment moderation? I usually won't leave comments if someone has it turned on. I promise Blogger will catch soOO much spam and you will rarely ever have an issue:)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Kim and commenting even with the moderation on. I've thought about turning it off but I'm scared that I will get a ton of spam... Wondering how much spam you get on your blog on a daily basis?

  4. Gosh! Maybe I am naive to think there are some dirty rotten scoundrels out there! Do you think if people have 'stolen' our photos we should tell them to remove them? I don't mind at all if someone likes one of my recipes & photos. Makes me feel happy, but it would be nice to have stuff attributed seeing as I know I certainly spend hours uploading and writing the recipes on my website, and then there's the cooking time etc. Ughhhh some people!
    thanks for sharing this handy little tip. Think i'll go on a little hunt around now :)
    and I'm also very glad you stopped by my site to say hello else I would never have found you!
    Mary from Lovefoodies

    1. Good Luck Mary. Hope you're images aren't being used where they should be. Glad you found me too and commented while you were here!

  5. Hi Shauna! Thank you so much for posting this - I'm going to have to research if it's happening on my blog, too. Why can't people just be original?!?! Or at least give credit where credit is due?

    New follower from the blog hop. I'm looking forward to reading more. On my blog, I post a lot of recipes too - and my husband, too, is my official taste tester. Hope you can stop by my blog and follow me back!


    1. Love that your hubby is your taste tester too, lol! Thanks for taking the time to stop by and commenting.

      Just popped over to your blog too and followed you on GFC while I was there :)

  6. ooh, very good tip. I'm going to check it out! Little Bit

  7. Wow! Thanks for the info!! Will definitely look into it!! Thanks for dropping by and following...following you back! Have a wonderful rest of your day! ;-)

    Michell @Prowess and Pearls

    1. Thanks for following while you were here Michelle! Good luck on your Reverse Image Search :)

  8. This is great! My Seeking Sole Mates missing sock holder is all over the place without credit or links back to my page. One tip, on my laptop, when I right-click, I needed to highlight "copy image URL" not "copy image location." Thanks!

    1. Oh, glad you posted that about your laptop being a little bit different. And sorry to hear your photo is being used without your permission or links back to you. That's no fun :(

  9. Oh this is a great tip! Going to check it out! New follower on Twitter from the Social Sunday link up! :)

    1. Thanks for following on Twitter while you were here! Hope you have a great week :)

  10. I could go for a slice of the Pizetti. :) Thanks for the tips on the reverse search of images.

    1. Lol, you're welcome! Glad you liked both the Pizzetti and the Tutorial :)

  11. Great info to know! Thanks for sharing! Pinning!

    Jenna @

    1. Thanks for pinning while you were here Jenna! Hope you have a fantastic rest of your week :)

  12. Interesting! Really cool... Thanks for coming to (link) party with me at Super Saturday Show & Tell :) xoxo~ Ruthie

    1. You're welcome Ruthie! Thanks for stopping by and commenting while you were here :)

  13. Thanks so much for the info. Can't wait to try it out. Visiting from plaid and paisley and a new follwer :) Would love you to come visit!

    The Farm Girl

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Julie! Just checked out your blog and now following you on GFC & FB :)

  14. This is such a good tip! So sad that others want to steal another bloggers images and words! Thanks for sharing at Silver Pennies Sundays!

  15. Thanks so much for sharing this! I had no idea I could search my photos. I'm now following you via GFC.

    Shandy @ Aprons 'n Pearls

    1. Thanks for the follow Shandy! Hope you have a fantastic rest of your week :)

  16. Totally tried this! Thanks for sharing at Sweet & Savoury!

  17. Wow. It's a little creepy how much the internet knows sometimes, right?

    Thanks for the info! I should probably double check some of my photos on my favorite posts. :)

  18. What a very helpful post! Thank you so much for writing it & for directing us to it from the Link Party! So glad to have you on board--I love your blog! Don't forget to grab a button to promote the party! I'm off to get lost in your blogs :)

    1. Thanks Anyonita! Have your button on my Link Parties Page so that others can find you too :)

  19. A very helpful post!
    Thank you for the simple directions, I always wanted to check if some of my pictures were being used.

    Ali @ Forty before 40

    1. Thanks for stopping Ali and commenting! Hope your photo search goes well and your photos are where they should be.

  20. I did pin yours :-) It is amazing what people do to get traffic to their sites and claim others' work as their own. I found quite a number of my posts being copied and pasted on other sites {I'm not even blogging that long}, but the worst I have found this far, is a lady with a FB page, no blog, bragging about her weekly/montly reach, {she is a copier and paster by format!} and now she is offering tutorials to other pages to be as successful a she is! Thank you for sharing this post at the ALL MY BLOGGY FRIENDS party, and I do hope lots of bloggers pin this post.

    1. Thanks for pinning Linda! I know, isn't it crazy when you come across a site that is using everyone's work but their own.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting while you were here!

  21. Seriously! I love this! I have been searching for photos for the last hour...and I've found my stuff all over the internet! Good thing I put my website on every picture.

    Thanks for linking up :)

    1. Glad you liked this post Jessica! Thanks for stopping by and commenting while you were here ;)

  22. Oh How Great! I can't wait to try this! Thanks for sharing on Show Me Your Plaid Monday's!

  23. What a neat idea!! I'll have to do that for sure!!
    Thank you so much for joining the party, hope to see you tomorrow night :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Lyuba and commenting while you were here! Love your new parties :)

      I'd also love for you to link up here on the weekends @The Weekend re-Treat!
      . I'm a huge fan of your recipes and site!

  24. Pinning this right now! Thanks for sharing this and for the great tutorial.

    If you have a minute to spare I'd be thrilled if you could share this at my say G'Day Saturday party-this is really good information that all bloggers should see!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

    1. Thanks for the invite to your party Natasha. Sorry I was out of town last weekend or I would have totally came over and linked up with you. I've added you to my "Link Parties" page so that my readers can find you too :)

      I'd also love for you to swing back by my blog and link up to my Weekend Link Party going on right now too @The Weekend re-Treat!

      Hope to see you there... and I'll see you at your party tomorrow!

  25. So cool!! Thanks for sharing. So glad I found your blog. I'm your newest follower ;)
    Jamie ~

  26. Thank you !!
    It's a great post and I appreciate it

  27. Wow! I never knew you could do that! Thanks for sharing this at The Weekly Creative.

    Shannon @ Sewing Barefoot

  28. I've done this and only get a TON of Pins. I hate weeding through it all. Pinned! Thanks so much for linking up to Two Cup Tuesday at Pint Sized Baker. I look forward to coming back on Monday Night!

  29. Great tutorial... but now I'm torn between searching to see if my images/posts are being used in crummy ways and living in blissful ignorance! I always label my photos these days but didn't when my blog was relatively new :-s

  30. Stopping by from {wow me} Wednesday. Thanks for sharing!

  31. Perfeito um artigo de grande ajuda além de manter a pintura residencial no refeitório
