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Mar 21, 2013

Link Party: The Weekend re-Treat #9 --- with an AD SPACE GIVEAWAY

We have a lot of information on this week's Link Party so I've put together the Fabulous 5 Features a little bit differently than I normally do.  Aren't they cute and delicious looking?!?  I just love the posts that you guys link up!  So much fun to visit all of your blogs to see what you've been up to over the past week.

Please show these blogs some love and visit them and let them know that you saw their feature over at The Best Blog Recipes!

  1. British Beer Battered Fish & Chips from {Love Foodies}
  2. No Sew Pillow Cover Made From Napkins from {Restoration Beauty}
  3. Paleo Mustard Glazed Chicken from {Joyful Healthy Eats}
  4. The Perfect Rice Krispy Treat For You from {Mallow & Co}
  5. Cream Cheese Marbled Carrot Bars from {Dessert Now, Dinner Later}
If you were featured please grab a button HERE to display on your blog! 

Now on to my exciting news....  I know that some of you have been noticing in my posts that I've been on an incredible weight loss journey and have lost 50 lbs so far!  It's amazing how different I feel and how much more I am enjoying my life, not only because I have more energy but I just feel happier from the inside out.  

That's why I've decided to become a Health Coach with the company that helped me to lose weight.  I couldn't have done so well on the program without the help of my personal coach and the best part for me is that my Health Coach was FREE TO ME and included with the cost of the program.

Visit my other blog site: Ready 2 Lose Weight for more info! 

I don't know about you guys?  Maybe it's easy for other people to lose weight but I needed something that was VERY structured and SUPER EASY and I didn't have a ton of money for a program.  I also didn't want to spend a lot of time thinking about what I needed to eat.  I just wanted to lose weight and FAST.  

Are you wondering why I'm bringing all of this up yet?  Well, I need YOUR help fellow bloggers.  I want to PAY IT FORWARD to other people that are struggling with their weight and feel like they haven't been able to accomplish their weight loss goals.  That's exactly where I was and I hated how I felt.  

So I'm asking all of you fantastic bloggers to help me get the word out that there is an easy program that can help with a FREE Health Coach included (you will get FREE AD SPACE, see info below) Want some proof?  Check out my before and after weight loss photos taken in the Fall of 2012 and again in the Spring of 2013....

And just for the record... super embarrassing to put my "fat" bathing suit pictures up for the world to see.  I always wanted to remember the day I started my journey because I didn't ever want to end up back where I was.  What better way to do that then in a bathing suit with a farmers tan and 85 pounds overweight.  

What's in it for you?  
Did you happen to notice the new Side Bar Ad's to your right?  Scroll down and take a peek at them.  Aren't they pretty?!?  Well... I'm going to be GIVING AWAY FREE AD SPACE to 
bloggers that are willing to help me PAY IT FORWARD!  

In order to receive the FREE AD SPACE (150 x 150 button) for 30 days I'm asking that you do the following: 
  • Write up a short post about how your (super awesome) blogger friend just lost a ton of weight 
  • Put my (super scary) before & (totally awesome) after photos on the post
  • Let them know that this is an structured program and it was super easy to follow and that the BEST part is that a Health Coach is included in the cost of the program!  Yay!  
  • Give them my weight loss site address
  • Ask them to contact me via email at with questions
  • Share a short snippet on your Facebook & Twitter pages asking them to check out my weight loss journey (with a link directly back to my weight loss site) 
  • Also share this information with your friends & family.  We all know someone who struggles and wants to lose weight FAST
  • NOTE:  this program doesn't require any shots, pills, drops or medical procedures.  That was super important to me and I think it would be helpful to share that information in your post!

AND If anyone that sees your Blog post, FB or Twitter story and signs up for the program (including you & your family) you will get 3 months of free PREMIUM AD SPACE (300 x 300 button).  It's kind of like a win / win for everyone involved.  I get to help others.  You get AD Space.  They get to benefit and lose weight.  Do you love it?  Hope so... but no worries if you aren't interested in sharing.  I completely understand that this giveaway isn't a right fit for every blog.  I'll still love you anyways :)

Want to know more about my journey?  Read more about my personal story HERE

Email me at if you are interested in taking advantage of this Free Ad Space Offer :)  I can give you some additional information that would be helpful in your posts!

Now on to the PARTY!  
Here's how our party works!

#1 Each week I will be featuring a few of my favorite links and showcasing them on the following week’s link party post, so be sure to come back next weekend to see if you were a featured link! 
Also, by linking up you give The Best Blog Recipes permission to use your photos on our blog, Pinterest and Facebook pages.  All credit will be given to you with any photo used linked directly to your post. I will also be adding each link party submission to my Pinterest Boards.  Your submission will appear either on My Link Party {Recipes} or My Link Party {Craft/DIY} depending on where it fits best.   
#2 Grab a button to put on your post, or somewhere else on your site.  A text link is fine too!
#3 Link up as many projects, recipes & DIY’s as you’d like…. But please don’t link any giveaways or Etsy Shops here.
#4 We’d love if you’d follow us on Facebook, GFC or via email so we can stay connected
#5 Show the others bloggers some love and check out a few of their links.  Let them know you saw their link on “The Weekend re-Treat” while you are there!


  1. Thank you for the feature, Shauna! It was such a nice surprise! And congratulations on your healthy lifestyle! You look amazing!

    1. You're welcome Selene! And thanks for taking the time to link up again this weekend!

    2. I also just shared your link on my FB wall. I'd love it if you'd share the post with your FB readers letting them know that you were featured with us :)

  2. hi Shauna, I would never have know you had been dieting until you shared your story and photos! Well done for getting to where you are :)
    Thanks for hosting another lovely party, and thank you very much for featuring my british Beer Fish n Chips. (I've put your lovely button right there on the post!
    Have a lovely weekend Shauna,
    Mary from Lovefoodies

    1. Thanks Mary for linking up and your sweet comment :) I've just shared your link on my FB page also for these Beer Battered Fish N Chips! I'd love if you'd share on your wall that you were featured today.

  3. WOWW - 50lbs ?!
    Well done!!
    Thanks for the party and have a good weekend

    1. Thanks Winnie! So glad you stopped by again this weekend and linked up at the party!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Bintu :) And I'm so glad you made it over this weekend to link up! Can't wait to go and see what you've been making over the past week!

  5. Congrats on your achievement and hosting the party!

    1. Thanks for coming back and linking up with me again this weekend! Always fun to head over to your blog to see what you've created :)

  6. CONGRATS, Shauna!! How exciting!! :) ... Thanks for hosting! Have a terrific weekend ahead!

    1. Thanks Brenda! So glad you linked up again this weekend :) Hope you have a great and relaxing weekend with your family!

  7. You look fantastic! Congratulations on your weight loss! Thanks so much for hosting and have a wonderful weekend:)

    1. Thank you so much Shannon :) Always look forward to your links to see what you've been busy creating!

  8. Congratulations on your weight loss!! Thank you for having us over again this week!

    Happy Friday!
    Joy @

    1. Thanks Joy! So glad you could stop by this weekend and link up with me :)

      Hope you have a nice weekend!

  9. Congratulations, Shauna! You are looking fabulous!! Thanks so much for hosting :)
    Cathy @ Lemon Tree Dwelling

    1. Thank you so much Cathy! I really appreciate you taking the time to stop by on the weekends and link up with me :)

  10. Congratulations Shauna, you look amazing.
    Thanks for hosting. Have a great day!
    The Busy Bee's,
    Myrna and Joye.

    1. Thanks Myrna & Joye! Really love that you stop by and link up with me. I'll see you at your party again next week :)

  11. hey now you go girl! thank you so much for the party :)

    1. Lol, Thanks Lisa! Can't wait to go and check out your link again this week :)

  12. Thanks for hosting this great party~ Happy Spring:) Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines

    1. Thanks Lynn for stopping by and linking up with me this weekend!

      Hope you have a fantastic rest of your weekend :)

  13. Hey Shauna, thanks so much for featuring my Paleo Mustard Glazed Chicken this week! :) I was super pumped! Crazy how you lost all the weight, you look great! This is an awesome outlet for you to help people reach their goals. You will be a great coach! Your other site is looking good. I be sure to send people your way if I hear of anyone.

    Thanks for hosting again this week. :)

    Krista @ joyfulhealthyeats

    1. Thank you so much Krista! I would appreciate you sharing my story and information with people you think might benefit from it. And by the way... loved your post that went along with your Mustard Glazed Chicken. Sorry you both got hurt but you two are so darn cute!

      Also just shared your picture and direct link on my FB page since you were featured! Would love if you'd share the post with your readers on your wall letting them know that you were featured with us :)

  14. Thanks so much for hosting and congrats on the weight loss! :)

    1. Thank you so much Sheena! And thanks for linking up again this weekend with me :)

  15. Shauna!!! Holy cow, you look amazing! Losing weight is not only healthier for your body but you look SO much younger! Fantastic job! How did you do it? I saw there was a number to call but I was wondering if it was a change in diet, exercise or both? Counting calories, low carb, or what?

    Thanks for hosting! I was really excited to link up this week! :)

    1. Thank you so much Lindsey for your sweet comments! You really made my day :)

      So glad you came over and linked up this weekend.

      And I'll send you a quick email with some additional information about the program right now!

    2. I just sent the info to the email address listed on your blog Lindsey :) Let me know if you have any questions after reading it!

  16. Hi Shauna,
    Thanks for the invite to link up and congrats on your weight loss! You look fantastic!
    Have a great weekend!
    Bridget-What's Cooking in the Burbs

    1. Thanks Bridget for linking up and your sweet comment! All girls like to be told they look fantastic :)

  17. Hey Shauna, Thanks for the feature! Congrats on the weight loss! I am right behind you! 48lbs lost! I am 11lbs past my goal, but I think to hit 50 would be so cool. :)
    ~Amber @ Dessert Now, Dinner Later!

    1. That is SO AWESOME Amber!!! What a great accomplishment :) I'd love for you to email me and share how you did it.

      So glad you linked up again this weekend too!

  18. Thanks so much for the party and congrats on the weight loss! You look so beautiful!

  19. Thanks for hosting this fun party! You look amazing! Seriously, your weight loss success has taken years off your already beautiful face. Congratulations! Have a fabulous week!

    1. Thank you so much Nici for your sweet comment and for taking the time to come over and link up with me again this weekend!

  20. Congrats on your weight loss!! I had 55 lbs to lose after baby #2, and, after 10 months, I just got there. I know it takes a lot to lose so much weight, so way to go!! =)

    1. That is so awesome Kate!!! It's a process isn't it, lol!

      Thank you so much for linking up with me this weekend :)

  21. Thanks for hosting! You look awesome! Congrats on your weight loss! Makes me want to push myself even harder now! :)

    1. Lol Lorraine! I know that feeling :) Thanks for stopping by, linking up and commenting while you were here!

  22. Thanks for hosting the party! You look fantastic! Definitely motivation for me to try harder.

    1. You're welcome Sara! Always happy to be a motivator :)

      Thanks for linking up this weekend too!

  23. Shauna,
    Thank you for hosting the party. I'm so impressed with your weight loss, congratulations. You're AWESOME! Love your recipes.
    Wanda Ann @ Memories by the Mile

    1. Thank you so much Wanda Ann! Always love when you stop by and link up :)

  24. Thanks so much for hosting! Congrats on your weight loss :) have a great weekend!

  25. Thanks for hosting and for featuring my post Shauna! And that's awesome about your weight loss, so inspiring!

  26. Thanks for hosting and for the reminder to come over and link also. :) Linda

  27. Wow, congrats on your weight loss, you look fantastic! I'm on a weight loss journey too, but that is secondary and an added bonus to the diet I'm following right now to find out what foods I'm allergic to.

    Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend! :)

  28. Good job on your weight loss! Thanks for sharing your story! An inspiration! :)
