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Mar 21, 2013

Mexican Fiesta Breakfast Burritos

Funny story about these Mexican Fiesta Breakfast Burritos....  they were actually supposed to be Mexican Fiesta Taquitos but I made them way too big like I always do and they became these huge monster burritos.  My family didn't complain though.  They ate them right up!

Mexican Fiesta Breakfast Burrito Ingredients

* the amount of each ingredient depends on how many burritos you are going to make so I'm just going to list the ingredients and you can assemble and adjust how much you need depending on how many burritos you want :)

2 eggs per burrito, scrambled
2 strips of bacon per burrito, cooked and chopped
1-2 green onions per burrito, chopped
1/3 cup black beans per burrito
shredded cheese
sour cream
salt & pepper to taste
1/8 teaspoon chipolte chili powder
olive oil for frying the burrito
large tortillas

Heat your black beans on the stovetop and add your chipolte chili powder and a little salt to them.  I didn't add much.. less than 1/8 teaspoon of salt. 

Meanwhile cook your eggs (with an added dash of pepper) & bacon seperately.   Chop your bacon and set both aside. 

Wash and chop our green onions. 

Shred your cheese.

Now it's time to assemble your Mexican Fiesta Burrito:
Layer your burrito with the following ingredients
chopped bacon
chopped green onion
shredded cheese
black beans
about 1 tablespoon of sour cream spready evenly
about 2-3 tablespoons of salsa spread evenly

Once your burrito is all done roll it up tightly and make sure the ends are tucked in so that the ingredients don't fall out while frying. 

Heat about 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat.  Add your burrito to your skillet and lightly brown on all sides.  This process only takes about 1 minute per side.  If your ingrediets cooled down before frying you might want to microwave the burrito for 30 seconds to ensure that your cheese is melted and everything is nice and hot before frying since the process is so quick. 

Top with additional garnish:  sour cream, salsa & green onion!  Avocado would be a nice addition too :)

We've also been busy sharing this recipe on many different blog link parties! For a complete list of where we like to party please visit the "Link Parties" tab at the top of the page :)

I'd also love for you to read about my amazing weight loss journey that
I've been on over the past few months....  and check out my
before & after weight loss pictures by visiting my other site


  1. These look AMAZING and easy which is always a plus for me!

    1. They were so amazing Rachel! My family has already had me make them 2 times this week, lol!

  2. Oh YUM! My family loves breakfast burritos! Will definitely need to make these :)

  3. My mouth is watering! I love breakfast burritos and these look easy and delicious!

    Your newest follower,
    The Hot Toddies of Washington

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! And for following too :) Hope you come back and link up at my weekend party that just went live!

  4. Looks good...

    it would be great if you could turn off Captcha - sometimes I don't always get the code right and it takes time to redo it. Thanks.

    1. Hi Linda, I've had a couple of requests this week to turn off the Captcha so I'm going to give it a try and see how it goes.

      Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment while you were here!

  5. YUM, Shauna! These look wonderful!! :) I'm co-hosting the Sweet & Savoury Sunday Link Party this weekend and would love to have you come by and share these delicious burritos and a couple other faves as well! Hope to see you there! Have a terrific day!! :)

  6. Yum. This looks delicious! One of my favorite things to do on a Saturday is to have a breakfast burrito in the morning. Sooo gonna happen next Saturday. :) Thanks for the great recipe Shauna!

    Krista @ joyfulhealthyeats

  7. Those look absolutely amazing Shauna! Thanks so much for sharing at Whimsy Wednesdays.

  8. Shauna, this looks so yummy! I'm getting hungry just from looking at it. Thank you for sharing on Crafty Thursday Obsessions.

  9. Love breakfast burritos! These look great, I've never included bacon in mine- look forward to trying.

  10. Whoa! These look really good! The picture is awesome! Found you via link party this morning and so glad I did...have loved looking through your recipes!!! :)

  11. Oh Yum. I need to make these soon. Your great photo really makes these look delicious.

  12. We just love a good Breakfast Burrito and your recipe looks delicious! Thank you so much for sharing your awesome recipe with Full Plate Thursday and have a great weekend.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen
